Meditation and Mindfulness: A Clearer Mind Means Better Choices

(This is Part 3 in our three-part series: How 3 Ancient Alternative Methods Can Help You Lose Weight. CLICK HERE to read Part 1, Acupuncture. CLICK HERE to read Part 2, Can Hypnosis Help You Lose Weight?)


Meditation is part of our earliest recorded history. Long ago, it was used mostly in conjunction with religious practices. Some say that meditation is the oldest form of mental, spiritual and physical health and wellness practice in existence.


The earliest known root of meditation is with the Hindus in India who used forms of meditation to discern the true nature of Brahman. Buddha reached “enlightenment” while he was meditating under a Bodhi Tree. Those that followed Buddha, however, did not believe that mediation was a way to understand a higher being but rather a way of sensing ones connection to all things. Forms of meditation are present in all major religions.



How 3 Ancient Alternative Methods Can Help You Lose Weight

There are many lessons to be learned when we study the ways that ancient groups of people acted. We can learn about art, architecture, food, family, religion, languages and health. Much of our current system of doing things is rooted in some very old, but wise, cultures.


Some very old ways of preventing and treating illness are still practiced in many parts of the world today.


America is just learning. We have been completely focused on putting our trust in doctors and pharmaceutical companies that we’re not accustomed to alternative ways to approach health. We have been conditioned to not consider alternative ways of treating our health.


However, many dedicated people are using ancient and alternative methods of healing and preventing disease. These people believe that what was done so very long ago, and is still being used today, has great value and can help in many ways.



How to Buy Fat-Burning Supplements That Actually Work

When you are on a weight loss journey, you’re always looking for ways to speed up the fat loss process. You know that it is going to take some time to get rid of the excess weight that you are carrying, but the sooner you can reach your goals, the happier you will be.


One way to do this is to take a fat burner. These are supplements that raise your metabolism by shifting it from neutral into overdrive, helping you create the body that you desire. A few of the supplements that can help you do this are:



5 Quick and Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Although your body’s ability to remain stable despite the constant changes around you is normally a good thing (such as keeping your blood pressure and blood sugar steady), it can actually work against you when your goal is to try to lose weight. Your metabolism automatically reduces in an attempt to keep you right where you are.


This means that sometimes you need to find a way to turn up your internal calorie burning furnace on your own. So, here are five quick and easy ways to do just that:


#1 – Drink More Water

Your body requires water the same way that an automobile requires gasoline. When you are dehydrated, your body is going to slow down if not stall completely. However, you can keep your engine burning hot by fueling yourself with water throughout the day. Always have a bottle by your side and you’ll naturally drink more, and burn more fat.


#2 – Eat Natural Foods


The #1 Reason Most People Can’t Lose Weight

Have you tried to lose weight so many times that you would need more than just your fingers and toes to count them on, as well as those of every member of your family? And does each attempt eventually result in you weighing the same as, if not more than, when you first started your weight loss journey? If so, unfortunately you are not alone.


Dieting is one of the most understood lifestyles around the globe. People everywhere are watching what they eat in an attempt to lose weight and gain health. But, if that’s the case, why is it that there is an obesity epidemic that is threatening the health of people all over the world?


The answer is simple: diet. Not diet as in what food people eat (although healthy eating is obviously very important), but diet as in the process. It’s about what effect calorie restriction has on your physical body.


You Can Blame Your Slow Metabolism on Your Grandparents



How Omega 3 Fatty Acids Can Help You Lose Weight

We’ve all heard commercials and television experts touting the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids.  Even the renowned Dr. Oz makes a point to highlight the many benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids on a regular basis.  But few of us are getting enough Omega 3s in our diets.  Let’s take a look at what these acids do for our diets and our health, and why we should make sure we're getting enough of them.


When it comes to diet, one of the most important things to understand is that Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to energy production.  ALA, which is the precursor to both EPA and DHA (two other Omega 3s), is a vital source of energy for the body that certainly shouldn’t be overlooked as part of your supplement regimen if you aren’t getting enough of it through things like flaxseed, algae, and fish.



How to End Your Love Affair with Sugar

Sugar, and its related derivatives corn syrup, molasses, maltose, and dextrose, is found in many of the foods consumed in our modern life. This sweet substance is common, but can it really be considered addictive? Let’s look at how we become addicted to sugar, what sugar does to our bodies and health, where it can be found, and ways to end your love affair with sugar.


Most estimates put the average consumption of sugar between 20 and 30 teaspoons a day. While at first this may not seem that bad, it is worth noting that women should be consuming a maximum of six teaspoons a day and men should be consuming no more than nine teaspoons a day.


Sugar, much like alcohol, heroin, morphine, and cocaine, releases hormones in our brain that activates our “feel good” receptors. This means that sugar meets the same criteria as other addictive substances, resulting in a compulsion to consume, a gradual tolerance to its effects caused from continued use, difficulty functioning without it, and withdrawal symptoms when consumption ends.



African Mango Promotes Weight Loss

Irvingia Gabonensis is an indigenous African tree found in Cameroon, Africa. It is also known as the bush mango or wild mango tree. Though the African Mango has recently been shown in studies to aid in weight loss, it has been used for more than two thousand years in Africa. African’s have eaten the fruity mango and tasty nuts, also known as Ogbono or Dika nuts, for years to aid in fighting off hunger and many other domestic and homeopathic uses.


The fruit is harvested between the months of July and September. For western Africans, this tree and its fruits serve many purposes. Natives of the land use the bark to treat diarrhea, hernias, yellow fever and even toothaches. They also believe the bark to have healing and antibiotic properties and thus ingest it or use it to treat burns and other skin irritations.

