African Mango

The Ultimate African Mango diet by ThinNow is quickly becoming one of the most popular weight loss plans in the U.S. While it is simple to follow, the Ultimate African Mango diet is producing impressive results and helping people lose weight quickly and safely without a strict eating plan or exercise routine.

Origins of African Mango: The reason you may not have heard of African Mango extract until now is because the African Mango tree only grows in one area of the world. The remote rainforest of Guinea in West Africa is where the tree originated but other parts of central and western African have begun to cultivate the tree as well.

Africa is the only place in the world where the powers of the African Mango have been realized for centuries. It has only been introduced to the rest of us in recent years. Those native to the area where the tree grows have utilized the tree and its fruit in their everyday lives for everything from medicinal purposes to cooking. Since scientists began to study the weight loss benefits, the attention from the rest of the world has grown by leaps and bounds.

While the flesh of the fruit is sweet and enjoyable, the real benefits are found in the seeds. Extract drawn from these seeds is shown to have amazing weight loss and health benefits we are now able to experience for ourselves. This extract, available to you in pill form, causes natural weight loss by suppressing the appetite and accelerating metabolism.

African Mango extract naturally accelerates metabolism by combating nutrient-blocking toxins. Once the toxins are removed, the much needed nutrients are able to be absorbed where they are needed. Then the body is able to work more effectively, causing a natural boost in metabolism. When your body is able to do what it is intended to do it works at a much more efficient rate, giving you the energy you want and need to be healthy and fit.

In addition, African Mango extract is shown to cause an increase in adiponectin. Adiponectin is a hormone that increases insulin levels prompting the body to utilize stored fat for energy. This causes a rapid depletion of those fat stores, which would otherwise not be possible. Even dieting and exercise does not provide this same effect.

Typically, excess fat stores are not accessed until all others are depleted, making weight loss that much more difficult for most. In correlation, these two attributes alone make African Mango extract a “wonder weight loss drug” as many have referred to it.

Next let’s talk about African Mango extract as a fat burner. The extract contains a very high level of B vitamins, which help boost metabolism. In addition, B Vitamins have the ability to eliminate toxins that block nutrients from being absorbed by the body. Toxins not only slow your metabolism, and therefore slow you down, but they also prevent you from getting the essential nutrients you need for optimum health.

The absence of these nutrient-blocking toxins creates a natural metabolism boost without stimulants or other synthetic drugs. A higher metabolism will give you more energy and cause you to burn more calories doing the same things you used to.

But there’s even more...

Overeating is a key contributor when it comes to reaching an unhealthy weight. The fact is that some people can eat large amounts of food without feeling full. This is caused by a hormonal imbalance and can be rectified by taking African Mango extract.

Overweight people often have a very low to non-existent level of a key hormone called leptin. Leptin is the hormone that tells the body when it has had enough to eat. For a person with low or no leptin there is no signal from the hypothalamus to stop them from overeating. Those who lack this important hormone also have more cravings and shorter periods between feelings of hunger. This can make any attempts at dieting ineffective and very difficult.

African Mango extract goes right to work on this problem as soon as you begin taking it. The extract will help regulate leptin levels, which will lead to natural appetite suppression. Those who could once eat an exorbitant amount of food will feel fuller faster and experience fewer cravings and hunger pangs. As a result, the pounds begin to melt away.

An added benefit for many, and an extremely important one for others, is the effects African Mango extract has on cholesterol. It can aid in a reduction of LDL, bad cholesterol, and an increase in HDL, good cholesterol, which results in amazing long-term health benefits.

African Mango extract is a powerful discovery in the fields of both health and weight loss. The Ultimate African Mango Diet by ThinNow can provide excellent results with far less effort than most other diets.