7 Surefire Ways to Get Your Body to Burn Fat

Teach Your Body to Burn Fat Using These Simple Tips

Do these 7 things to burn fat and take a fat-burning supplement that works!
To convince your body to let go of excess fat, use these 7 tips and take a fat-burning pill that really works!

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to get your body to burn fat and having it defy you. It’s like trying to force a young child to share their favorite toy with a sibling. It doesn’t matter how much you beg and plead, sometimes you just have to physically remove the toy from their hands to get them to let go.


The same is true with body fat. You can talk to your jiggly thighs or round tummy until you are blue in the face, but sometimes you have to do things that make your body burn the fat because it isn’t going to do it on its own. What are those things? Here are seven of them:


  • Limit Processed Foods. Foods that are eaten in their natural forms (think fresh chicken, beef, whole grains, fruits and vegetables) take more energy to digest, and more energy means more calories. Therefore, if you want to increase your calorie burn to lose weight, you’ll want to increase your intake of whole, natural foods.

  • Use Spices. Adding some extra spice to your food is as much of a treat to your metabolism is it is to your taste buds. Cook dishes with crushed red pepper, cayenne pepper or a touch of hot sauce and know that the resulting facial flush and sweat dripping down your temples is just your body’s way of telling you that your fat is on its way out.

  • Eat Smaller Meals. If you eat large quantities of food in one sitting, your body is more likely to store the calories as fat. Instead, try to eat smaller meals every couple of hours and you’ll burn fat versus store it.

  • Increase Your Fiber Intake. Foods that are high in fiber not only require more energy to be processed, but they also help flush all of the not-good-for you substances out of your intestines. So, get ample fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet and you’ll get rid of toxins and fat!

  • Change Up Your Cardio Routine. One simple way to increase your calorie burn involves switching up your cardio routine. You can do this by either trying a new exercise or varying the intensity of your current workout. Either way, you’ll keep your body guessing so that it burns fat at higher rates.

  • Build More Muscle. The more muscle you have in your body, the more calories you’ll burn, even during periods of inactivity (think resting and relaxing). Aim to lift weights or use strength training machines a couple of times a week and prepare to see your lumpy and frumpy fat be replaced by taut and tone muscle!

  • Take Fat Burning Supplements. If you want to give your body a fat burning boost, then you should consider taking supplements. Some nature produced options include chromium, vitamin B-6, paprika, and African mango. One supplement offered by ThinNow.com, called Ultimate Lean Body, has all of these and more.


Try these seven suggestions and watch your fat leave your body faster than a child handing over an old toy when a shiny new one is dangled in front of them. Except, in your case, it will be a shiny new body that will be yours…all yours!



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