What You May Not Know About the Dangers of Energy Drinks

If you’ve watched the news at all lately, you’ve likely heard about the dangers of energy drinks, especially in regard to how they are affecting our children – the largest consumers of these particular beverages. While the intent of these drinks is to give us more energy, it is becoming apparent that it is perhaps more energy than our bodies can safely handle.


What Makes Energy Drinks So Damaging?


We’ve known about the negative effects of too much caffeine for ages, which is why there are tons of recommendations about limiting the amount of coffee we drink. Therefore, it only makes sense that energy drinks would fall under this cloud as well as some of the brands have more than twice as much caffeine per serving as a cup of coffee. So, if you’re drinking two or three of them per day, you’re having about a pot of coffee, which isn’t good for you but, unfortunately, the negative side effects don’t stop there.



Diet Soda – Weight Loss Failure in a Can

What would you say if you were told that every time you grab a diet soda from the fridge or vending machine that the liquid you are consuming almost guarantees your weight loss failure? Would you believe it?


Or how would you feel knowing that with every sip or guzzle that you take in the name of health and fitness you are pushing yourself further and further from your goal of being fit and trim instead of getting closer to it?


What if you learned that the more diet soda you drink, the greater the likelihood that you are going to wind up adding weight to your body despite the word “Diet” displayed prominently on the side of the can?


Although you may be inclined to disbelieve these statements, you may be surprised to learn that they are true – and there has been a ton of research, available to the public, to prove it.


The Science Behind ‘Diet’ Soda



Water and Weight Loss: What’s the Connection?

You have probably heard the adage that people should drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. There is no question that water is essential to good health. After all, the human body is made up of mostly water - some experts say as much as 65 percent. Water also has a substantial effect on weight loss. There are five important reasons why water plays such a significant role in weight loss.

  1. Reducing Hunger

    People who diet will tell you that drinking water can help you to feel full, which can keep you from eating too much. Sometimes you are just thirsty but confuse the signals. Dieticians often suggest drinking a glass of water when you feel hungry to make sure you really need to eat.

