What You May Not Know About the Dangers of Energy Drinks

If you’ve watched the news at all lately, you’ve likely heard about the dangers of energy drinks, especially in regard to how they are affecting our children – the largest consumers of these particular beverages. While the intent of these drinks is to give us more energy, it is becoming apparent that it is perhaps more energy than our bodies can safely handle.


What Makes Energy Drinks So Damaging?


We’ve known about the negative effects of too much caffeine for ages, which is why there are tons of recommendations about limiting the amount of coffee we drink. Therefore, it only makes sense that energy drinks would fall under this cloud as well as some of the brands have more than twice as much caffeine per serving as a cup of coffee. So, if you’re drinking two or three of them per day, you’re having about a pot of coffee, which isn’t good for you but, unfortunately, the negative side effects don’t stop there.



How to Stay Fit When You Have a Sedentary Job

Whether you spend your days in front of a computer or can’t move around much in your daily life, your sedentary schedule may be impacting you more than you realize. Or, perhaps you understand that your inactivity during your workday is causing you to not look or feel your best, yet you don’t know what to do about it.


Either way, you do have options that will help you improve your fitness levels despite being desk or office bound.  But first, you need to understand why making changes to your sedentary job is important and needs to happen right away.


The Health Consequences of a Sedentary Job


According to the National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability, living a sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to your health. For instance, they report that physically inactive people have a 40% higher risk of developing cancer in the colon or breasts and a 50% higher rate of dementia. Being sedentary also increases the rate at which you lose muscle and bone strength, as well as raises the possibility that you’ll suffer from depression.



How 3 Ancient Alternative Methods Can Help You Lose Weight

There are many lessons to be learned when we study the ways that ancient groups of people acted. We can learn about art, architecture, food, family, religion, languages and health. Much of our current system of doing things is rooted in some very old, but wise, cultures.


Some very old ways of preventing and treating illness are still practiced in many parts of the world today.


America is just learning. We have been completely focused on putting our trust in doctors and pharmaceutical companies that we’re not accustomed to alternative ways to approach health. We have been conditioned to not consider alternative ways of treating our health.


However, many dedicated people are using ancient and alternative methods of healing and preventing disease. These people believe that what was done so very long ago, and is still being used today, has great value and can help in many ways.



Valentine’s Day Gifts That Won’t Hurt Your Waistline

You can’t walk into a store after the first of the year without seeing shelves full of delectable chocolates and candies that say “Be My Valentine.” While it’s great to want to share your feelings with those you love, adding to their waistline isn’t exactly a great way to show your sweetheart that you care. It’s like saying, “I love you, but I want to make sure you don’t live a long and healthy life.” It just doesn’t make sense.


This Valentine’s Day, take a different approach. Choose a gift that truly shows the special people in your life that you want them to be around for as long as possible. Give them something that encourages their health, rather than takes it away. Don’t know what to get? That’s okay because we have lots of ideas for you.


Fitness Products


If your honey likes to exercise or at least wants to work out more because he or she knows that it is good for them, here are some gifts you may want to consider for your active sweethearts:



How to Make a New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution That You Actually Keep

It’s that time, yet again!  Is weight loss one of your resolutions for the New Year? If you’re like most people, this resolution is high on your list year after year – to get healthy and lose weight. Would you like 2014 to be the last time you make a weight loss resolution?


While it may seem like losing your love handles and jiggly thighs is a resolution that just keeps repeating itself, that doesn’t have to be the case. You can reach your weight loss goal this year, and here are our best suggestions to help you reach those goals, once and for all:


Define why you want to lose weight. You can’t go after something and expect to get it if you don’t have a clear understanding of why you want it. Take some time and think about why weight loss is important to you. Make a list of the positive ways your life will change once you reach a lower, healthier weight, and keep that vision in front of you at all times.



How to Buy Fat-Burning Supplements That Actually Work

When you are on a weight loss journey, you’re always looking for ways to speed up the fat loss process. You know that it is going to take some time to get rid of the excess weight that you are carrying, but the sooner you can reach your goals, the happier you will be.


One way to do this is to take a fat burner. These are supplements that raise your metabolism by shifting it from neutral into overdrive, helping you create the body that you desire. A few of the supplements that can help you do this are:



The Best Weight Loss Program Advice for Men

Although a majority of the weight loss diet programs on the market are tailored to women, a large number of men strive to lose weight too. This can make it difficult for a man who is looking to shed a few pounds because, as we all know, men and women are extremely different creatures.


If you’re a guy who is looking for a weight loss program, here are some questions you will want to ask yourself before deciding which one is right for you:



The Benefits of Raspberry Ketone for Weight Loss

Dieting is one of life’s greatest challenges. Not only does it require you to change your eating habits, you must also change your lifestyle. Finding tools to help speed up your weight loss and develop a leaner, fitter physique eases the transition to your healthier life. Raspberry ketone is one of the best options you have for supporting healthy weight loss.


Raspberry ketone makes weight loss efficient by boosting your metabolism and increasing your energy levels. This means that in addition to weight loss, you enjoy a better quality of life.


Raspberry Ketone Benefits


Anyone who has struggled with excess weight knows the burden of performing even simple tasks. Excess body fat zaps your energy and prevents you from feeling the motivation needed to exercise and make healthy choices.


It becomes an unhealthy cycle: you make poor choices that make you feel bad and feeling bad triggers more poor choices. Raspberry ketone interrupts the cycle by giving you the energy needed to revamp your life.



The #1 Reason Most People Can’t Lose Weight

Have you tried to lose weight so many times that you would need more than just your fingers and toes to count them on, as well as those of every member of your family? And does each attempt eventually result in you weighing the same as, if not more than, when you first started your weight loss journey? If so, unfortunately you are not alone.


Dieting is one of the most understood lifestyles around the globe. People everywhere are watching what they eat in an attempt to lose weight and gain health. But, if that’s the case, why is it that there is an obesity epidemic that is threatening the health of people all over the world?


The answer is simple: diet. Not diet as in what food people eat (although healthy eating is obviously very important), but diet as in the process. It’s about what effect calorie restriction has on your physical body.


You Can Blame Your Slow Metabolism on Your Grandparents



What to Know Before You Buy Raspberry Ketone

Raspberry ketone supplements are a great way to improve your health and boost your body’s ability to burn calories. It is not possible to enjoy these same benefits from eating fresh raspberries. To achieve the same results as the supplements provide would require eating many pounds of berries a day, which is expensive and adds up to way too many calories. Supplements allow you to enjoy raspberry ketone benefits in a safe, inexpensive, convenient manner all year round.


Choosing the best raspberry ketone supplement to help you burn fat and lose weight can be challenging, especially if you are new to the supplement market. There is a great deal of misleading information out there concerning health supplements. Many raspberry ketone products make big weight loss promises, but never deliver. If you want to buy raspberry ketone that is high quality and effective, you must first understand supplements and determine where to buy the highest quality products.


What You Should Consider


