The #1 Reason Most People Can’t Lose Weight

Have you tried to lose weight so many times that you would need more than just your fingers and toes to count them on, as well as those of every member of your family? And does each attempt eventually result in you weighing the same as, if not more than, when you first started your weight loss journey? If so, unfortunately you are not alone.


Dieting is one of the most understood lifestyles around the globe. People everywhere are watching what they eat in an attempt to lose weight and gain health. But, if that’s the case, why is it that there is an obesity epidemic that is threatening the health of people all over the world?


The answer is simple: diet. Not diet as in what food people eat (although healthy eating is obviously very important), but diet as in the process. It’s about what effect calorie restriction has on your physical body.


You Can Blame Your Slow Metabolism on Your Grandparents



What to Know Before You Buy Raspberry Ketone

Raspberry ketone supplements are a great way to improve your health and boost your body’s ability to burn calories. It is not possible to enjoy these same benefits from eating fresh raspberries. To achieve the same results as the supplements provide would require eating many pounds of berries a day, which is expensive and adds up to way too many calories. Supplements allow you to enjoy raspberry ketone benefits in a safe, inexpensive, convenient manner all year round.


Choosing the best raspberry ketone supplement to help you burn fat and lose weight can be challenging, especially if you are new to the supplement market. There is a great deal of misleading information out there concerning health supplements. Many raspberry ketone products make big weight loss promises, but never deliver. If you want to buy raspberry ketone that is high quality and effective, you must first understand supplements and determine where to buy the highest quality products.


What You Should Consider



What You Absolutely Need to Know About Genetically Modified Foods

When you go to the supermarket, do you know which foods are genetically engineered? It’s okay if you don’t, as most people aren’t sure either.


It’s certainly understandable as you’re forced to remember all sorts of things when it comes to food. You’re expected to watch the fat content (primarily trans fats and saturated fats) and the amount of sodium in foods you ordinarily eat in order to stay healthy and strong.


You also need to know whether a product has anything that you or your family is allergic to in it, and so much more. So, is it really necessary to add one more thing to your already overflowing list of grocery shopping responsibilities?


In short, the answer is yes. Why?


Ultimately, you should know everything that you put into your body – from foods to supplements to anything else you choose to ingest. Your health and that of your family is in your hands, so the more you know about the items you consume, the more you’re able to make informed decisions in regard to your own health and welfare.



How Omega 3 Fatty Acids Can Help You Lose Weight

We’ve all heard commercials and television experts touting the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids.  Even the renowned Dr. Oz makes a point to highlight the many benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids on a regular basis.  But few of us are getting enough Omega 3s in our diets.  Let’s take a look at what these acids do for our diets and our health, and why we should make sure we're getting enough of them.


When it comes to diet, one of the most important things to understand is that Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to energy production.  ALA, which is the precursor to both EPA and DHA (two other Omega 3s), is a vital source of energy for the body that certainly shouldn’t be overlooked as part of your supplement regimen if you aren’t getting enough of it through things like flaxseed, algae, and fish.



When Food is Not Food- Fast and Prepared Foods

You are hungry, but you don’t have much time. You are in a hurry, so you grab something already prepared. Whether you reached for fast food or something prepared from the store, these choices are almost always filled with sodium, sugar, saturated fat, and preservatives. Exactly what your body needs to store more fat.


It’s a decision we have all faced, but, even when it seems like there are no healthy options, there are ways to eat right while on the go. You just need to know how to make better choices when faced with these decisions, and what all this can mean to your health and well-being.


Most people know that almost all fast food is unhealthy. Many fast food restaurants serve food that is loaded with saturated fat, sugar, and sodium. Even when you think you may be choosing the healthy option, you may be consuming more calories and sugar than you should.



How to End Your Love Affair with Sugar

Sugar, and its related derivatives corn syrup, molasses, maltose, and dextrose, is found in many of the foods consumed in our modern life. This sweet substance is common, but can it really be considered addictive? Let’s look at how we become addicted to sugar, what sugar does to our bodies and health, where it can be found, and ways to end your love affair with sugar.


Most estimates put the average consumption of sugar between 20 and 30 teaspoons a day. While at first this may not seem that bad, it is worth noting that women should be consuming a maximum of six teaspoons a day and men should be consuming no more than nine teaspoons a day.


Sugar, much like alcohol, heroin, morphine, and cocaine, releases hormones in our brain that activates our “feel good” receptors. This means that sugar meets the same criteria as other addictive substances, resulting in a compulsion to consume, a gradual tolerance to its effects caused from continued use, difficulty functioning without it, and withdrawal symptoms when consumption ends.



Sleep Well: How Sleep Affects Weight Loss

You want to lose weight but aren’t sure where to begin. It can seem overwhelming when you are first getting started. There are many factors involved in successful weight loss and they each play an important part in a good weight loss program. In order to make the best choices you need to get the best information.


It is essential that you understand how your behavior affects your weight loss results, or you won’t be able to make lasting changes. One thing you will want to consider, according to researchers, is the role that your quality and quantity of sleep plays in losing weight.


Lack of Sleep and Weight Gain

Sleep is a challenging subject, especially in the U.S. where productivity defines many individual lives. It seems the more you get done, the better respected you are. Unfortunately playing around with the amount of sleep you get each night can become a dangerous habit when it comes to your waistline.


There have been numerous studies that examined the link between lack of sleep and weight gain. The following are examples of the many studies that have found a direct link between the two.



The Effect of Stress on Weight Loss

Stress has become one of the biggest issues being discussed by experts in the health community. As people try to do more in less time each day, their stress levels increase as well. One area that is greatly impacted by stress is weight loss. The body’s ability to burn fat and function properly is directly affected by stress-related pressure. You can become even more stressed by the results when you’re trying to lose weight.


Does Stress Cause Weight Gain?


Stress affects the way your hormones are regulated, interrupting the way your body processes fat.  It is also often accompanied by anxiety- which causes many people to over-eat and gain weight-or stop eating completely, and lose extreme amounts of weight. Unhealthy eating habits also affect the body’s metabolism, leading to weight gain.


Even people who don’t necessarily eat more food when anxious can gain weight when stress leads them to eat foods high in carbs and sugar. Lack of time often becomes another problem during stressful times. It becomes easier to choose processed foods high in fat when there isn’t enough time to cook a healthy meal.



Ice Chips - The Candy Dentists Are Raving About

Ice Chips candy are one of the very few dentist approved candies available. The candy is sugar-free but it tastes like no other sugar-free candy on the market. There are 18 mouthwatering flavors that really pack a punch unlike typically sugar-free candy.


The rich flavor in Ice Chips comes primarily from its main ingredient. Xylitol carries a sweet taste without all the negative side-effects. There is no need to worry about packing on a lot of calories and no need to worry about tooth decay. In fact, all the proven benefits of Xylitol include:



  • Reducing tooth decay
  • Strengthening teeth
  • Fighting mouth plaque and bacteria
  • Eliminating dry mouth
  • No net carbohydrates
  • 40% less calories than sugar
  • Promoting stronger teeth in infants of  mothers who consumed it during pregnancy
  • FDA approved
  • Improving bad breath
  • Made from organic ingredients
  • Does not contribute to hyper-activity
  • Healthy for everyone including: children, diabetics, and dieters



Freshen Breath and Clean Teeth with Ice Chips Candy!

That’s right; the world finally has a healthy candy. It is called Ice Chips and it comes in a variety of amazing flavors that freshen breath and clean teeth.


A refreshing blast of clean feeling comes from flavors like:

  • Cinnamon
  • Spearmint
  • Wintergreen
  • Peppermint


Ice Chips are NOT made from sugar. They are made from an all-natural sweetener called Xylitol. Xylitol comes from the bark of birch trees. It was once said that a hard candy could not be made from Xylitol, but two working women found a way to make it happen and Ice Chips were born. You may have seen the grandmas from Ice Chips on ABC's Shark Tank, where they got the Sharkand have become one of the biggest Shark Tank success stories of all!


